Carbon footprint calculator: Track your emission savings

Having a utility management system with a footprint calculator that shows carbon dioxide savings is a strong tool to promote sustainability, gain customer trust and meet climate change regulations.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

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Footprint display to measure carbon emissions

As governments and institutions keep setting ambitious targets for reducing GHG emissions, it’s more and more important for utility providers to align with regulations. Our Real-Time ESG Calculator provides both suppliers and customers with the ability to calculate and report their emission savings.

Be prepared to comply with Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Utility Invoice CO2 Emissions calculator


Encourage clients to choose electronic invoice

Businesses can significantly reduce paper consumption and waste by using a utility billing software with digital invoicing. Electronic invoicing not only helps with environmental sustainability, but it could be easily integrated with a company’s billing system, streamlining the payment processes and reduce the time and resources required to manage invoices.

Learn more about our Utility Billing solution


Cut costs with a secure digital contracting system

Digital contract signing is a convenient way to minimize the carbon emissions associated with printing and physical delivery of documents. Adopting new technologies can lead to cost savings and reduced time to process energy customer contracts.

Signing contracts online contributes to the overall environmental sustainability efforts and aligns with corporate social responsibility goals. 

Learn more about our Customer Support portal

carbon emissions saved from digital contracting
Online Meter Reading CO2 Display


Convenient online meter readings to improve reporting

Submitting meter readings electronically eliminates the need of an on-site visit which includes energy-intensive processes such as transportation, paper production and printing. All the data about customer’s energy consumption is stored in the system for easy accessibility and improved data accuracy.

Learn more about our Self-Service portal


Measure, Report and Succeed

Sustainability reporting for annual carbon dioxide emissions is becoming necessary for organizations to measure and reduce their negative impact on the environment. A key factor to improve sustainability efforts and accomplish the set targets are the transparency and insights covered by the ESG Calculator.

Energy suppliers and their clients are able to calculate the carbon footprint they generate by using a utility management software that displays the CO2 savings from all of their activities.

Annual CO2 Emissions Report

Start carbon accounting and make a real impact

Earn customers’ trust, show that you’re responsible, and stand out from your competitors. Prove your commitment to the environment and enhance your reputation. Embracing AI-powered digital solutions can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. 

Digitize some of your utility business processes and drive the transition to a more sustainable future.


Our cutting-edge utility products come with years of industry expertise

With strong utility industry credentials and the diversity of customers we’ve had over the years, we leverage our know-how, hands-on experience and solutions to provide significant value for your business.

Professional Utility Services
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